A Copeland, Dec 23b

At the forefront of healthcare’s digital transformation, my leadership marries far future strategic vision with practical, near-term innovation. With a strong foundation in humanities, digital culture, and a passion for administrative leadership, I bring intellectual depth and a deep appreciation for human systems to every endeavor.

My career reflects a dynamic approach to professional growth, including seven years teaching and leading programs in higher education. Ultimately, I seek to influence positive, real-world change, to solve meaningful problems, and advance opportunities that require multidimensional perspective and strategic leadership. 


My speaking experience is diverse: keynotes, workshops, academic conferences, retreats, and classroom. In the business world, I focus on customer experience, digital strategy, design thinking, and information architecture. In the faith and culture sphere,  my recent work includes Christian stewardship, young adults, fundraising, crowdfunding, digital culture, and leadership.


I have written books, articles, and blog posts. My writing has appeared in The Christian Century, The Huffington Post, Minnesota Public Radio, ThePresbyterianLeader.com, WorkingPreacher.org, and as chapters in several books.


Let’s connect.